Vitamin Injections

What Are Vitamin Injections?

Ever feel like your daily vitamins aren’t giving you the results you need? 

A vitamin injection is a powerful way to deliver essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream, skipping the digestive process for faster, more effective absorption. Whether you’re looking for an energy boost, better recovery, or overall wellness support, vitamin injections help your body get the full benefits—quickly and efficiently!

Are Vitamin Injections Important?

Want a faster, more effective way to fuel your body with essential nutrients?

Vitamin injections bypass the digestive system for quicker absorption, helping to improve energy levels, boost metabolism, burn fat, enhance performance, and combat vitamin deficiencies.

How We Can Help You!

You have options! 

Whether you need a quick pick-me-up with Vitamin B12, a Lipo-Mino Injection for fat-burning and muscle recovery, or an Amino Blend Injection to enhance endurance and weight loss, we’ve got YOU covered. 

Our injections deliver essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream for faster, more effective absorption—so YOU can feel your best, every day.

Lipo Mino Injection

This injection has lipotropic fat burning abilities aiding in turning fat into energy. Overall helps with fat burning, energy boost, and appetite suppression. Contains: Pyridoxine HCL (B6), Choline, Cyano B12, Thiamine (B1), Inositol, Methionine, L-carnitine, and Riboflavin (B2).

Pyridoxine (B6) - helps promote production of red blood cells and helps conversion of food into energy
Methionine - helps breakdown sugar and carbs for conversion
Inositol - helps convert food into energy
Thiamine (B1) - helps to improve immune system along with aiding in conversion of fat/ carbs into energy
Riboflavin (B2) - helps increase metabolism, suppress appetite, and also helps improve immune system
L-Carnitine (only included in patient prescription vials) - helps to improve energy and fat metabolism, reduces recovery time, and promotes the building of muscle
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Vitamin B12 Injection

B12 helps with the forming of blood cells and aids in the normal function of the nervous system. This injection can give you an energy boost and assist with improvement of your metabolic rate to help burn stored fat. Other benefits include a boost to the immune system, improved sleep, improved mood, and improved concentration. 
Methylated B12 - is used to treat not only Vitamin B12 deficiency but also other conditions, such as pernicious anemia and diabetes.
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Vitamin B12 -

$10/ injection

50% Off for members

B12 helps with the forming of blood cells and aids in the normal function of the nervous system. This injection can give you an energy boost and assist with improvement of your metabolic rate to help burn stored fat. Other benefits include a boost to the immune system, improved sleep, improved mood, and improved concentration. 

Lipo-Mino Injection

$18/ injection

50% Off for members

  • Pyridoxine (B6) - helps promote production of red blood cells and helps conversion of food into energy
  • Methionine - helps breakdown sugar and carbs for conversion for energy
  • Inositol - helps convert food into energy
  • Choline - helps cut muscle recovery time, detox liver, aids with memory, promotes healthy nerve cells, and helps convert fat into energy
  • Thiamine (B1) - helps to improve immune system along with aiding in conversion of fat/ carbs into energy
  • Riboflavin (B2) - helps increase metabolism, suppress appetite, and also helps improve immune system
  • Carnitine
  • - helps to improve energy and fat metabolism, reduces recovery time, and promotes the building of muscle

Amino Blend Injection

$15/ injection

50% Off for members

This injection is a blend of amino acids helpful for weight loss and improving endurance. Contains Glutamine, Ornithine, Arginine,  Lysine, and Citrulline.

  • Glutamine - helps with improving immunity, cell repair, healing, and intestinal health
  • Ornithine - helps with improving fatique and also improves athletic performance (speed, strength, agility, power)
  • Arginine - helps support blood vessel tone and boost nitric oxide levels
  • Lysine - contains fatty acid and helps with burning calories for energy; can help to boost energy, promote weight loss, and support digestive health
  • Citrulline -
  • helps increase nitric oxide synthesis in the body; mildly reduces blood pressure (nitric oxide helps with vasodilation which in return would reduce blood pressure)
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